Saturday, April 16, 2011

NCIS: Being a dad is hard.

Alrighty! So this is late, I know I should be on top of this but it's here. This week on NCIS the P2P killer was not in the picture. Well ok he/she was BUT Gibbs and his team were kicked off the case and put on another case. I really liked the case of this episode because of its obvious Mission Impossible feel to it! The masks were legit! I really liked that they showed what they were and how they were made. I felt like the writers didn't over complicate things in the case. I followed it pretty easy. Sidenote: David, how did you feel about the camera work. There was this one shot where Gibbs was talking to someone and they had a shot on the guy then tilted up to a helicopter then fell on Gibbs. Personally I felt like they were trying a little too hard to be creative on the shooting. Then again later when Ziva was searching for the killer I thought the shots had a lot of suspense! So kinda fun show in the shots.

So we have this new team in the NCIS squadroom. Berret's team. They seem well enough off. The big guy, Agent Kade is smart but there is just something about him that I don't like. Hm . . . . what is it? Oh yea it's the fact that he's going after McGee's girl! Yea he should know that is not his territory. Oh Abby you will see the light someday! Other than that they seem like a decent team. Except EJ I hate her! Which brings us to the subject of the post.

Dear Tony, don't ever ever ever ever ever ever ever EVER do anything that would go against what Gibbs thinks is right. I PROMISE it won't work out. In this episode Tony decides to finally confront Gibbs about EJ. Gibbs tells him rule #12. Tony rebels, he says it's his life and Gibbs can't tell him what to do. Tony, dear young Tony . . . no. Just no. Someday you are going to understand that Gibbs is ALWAYS right. If EJ has to die in order for you to realize that then so be it. Now dear siblings and other readers I do realize that if Gibbs is always right and rule #12 does ring true that Tony and Ziva can never be together. But here is what you must realize, Gibbs makes the rules. He knows what should be and he knows that when the time is right Tiva will have his blessing. Ok well maybe not but he will be better with Tiva than EJ and Tony. I mean really! You can't even make a couple name out of that! TJ? Uh no. Eony? I don't think so.

Tiva moment of the episode: The stake out. let me take this opportunity to quote another book written by Thom E. Gemcity:
Tony: Stakeouts. Long, endless hours fueled by cheap food and even cheaper coffee, but tonight Moussad Officer Lisa didn't seem to mind, because she was getting to spend it with Agent Tomm... You're right behind me aren't you.
Ziva: Lucky guess. You know, I think McGee is right.
Tony: He was, was he.
Ziva: It takes all of my will to resist the urges I have when I'm around you, Tony. Maybe, it's about time I give in.
Tony: And by "give in", you mean...
Ziva: Do the thing that comes naturally to me, but my father would not approve.
Tony: Because I'm not Jewish?
Ziva: (Laughing) Because he doesn't like it when I kill my co-workers.
Tony: (Laughing) like I believed you for even a second.
This stake out was very good indeed. They talked about EJ a little and Gibbs. Good time. Follow-up later. EJ asks Tony if he was out with Ziva on stake-out and he changes the subject. Hm . . . why would he do that?

Alright but all in all very fun good episode. What did everyone else think?

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