Tuesday, April 12, 2011

J.J. Abrams's Potential

Ok team us. JJ Abrams is one of those hit and miss kind of directors. He starts out with the (so far) amazing Alias. He nailed the pilot, romance, mystery, 3 plot twists, Action, he does a great job. Now if it goes the direction of Lost warn me now so I don't waste my time. Next he goes onto the biggest disappointment of my life known as Lost. Best first season ever and then the Audience predicted what was going to happen so they had to change what they were going to do and Ruined the whole Series. (just my theory). Next comes Star Trek. I watched the Film Maker's Commentary today. Awesome. One of the best commentaries out there. Next came Undercovers his half season NBC show and I can only hope that he doesn't do anything else until the release of Star Trek 2 (or 8 depending on how you count) because it seems to me that JJ learns from his mistakes and makes a masterpiece after a train wreck (Oh back to Trains. Woooo Wooooo)

Anyway I am loving Alias, we have our friends addicted as well. The nice thing is that she beats the heck out of the bad guy instead of seducing him. Prevents a lot of awkward moments. However I have come to know that it doesn't last forever. I do wish that Jack Bristow could be redeemed for a full 2 episodes or be a bad guy for a full 2 episodes. It seems like every other episode you switch from loving to hating him or visa versa. (by the way Chanae actually knew how to spell "visa versa") New Community this week "Competitive Wine Tasting" I'm very excited.

Oh and as a last note I believe Emily Should take the review on Castle this week. And 13 is Back. I can't wait to see her and Masters clash next week.

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