If you haven't heard there is a new idea in the Wonderful World of Disney. They own Star Wars! Ok ok but that is actually not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the new TV Show Disney is planning. Girl Meets World.
Suddenly - you flash back to your childhood. Sitting on the couch with a PB&J (crusts cut off of course) on a Friday night. Teen Angel just ended and you are loving the line-up. Up next a story of a young boy, his trailer trash friend and soulmate . . . . what is this magical show that gives you delight, joy and teaches a lesson?
Boy. Meets. World.
This is a familiar memory. In our family it was a weekly occurrence followed by the line we are all familiar with coming from out dear mother: "You Watch WAY too much TV". And we did. Still when the seventh season ended and we said goodbye to our beloved TV Show it was bittersweet. An amazing finale, an amazing show. We didn't know what to do with ourselves. What to watch, where to learn life lessons? What about our kids? How were we going to teach them all the things we learned from BMW? Well that question may have been answered with this announcement? Or will it. First things first. I think we need a pro-con list of what this show could mean. If it's good it could be really good. But . . .
Pretty sure Ben Savage and Danielle Fischer will star as the girl's parents.
New opportunities to see the world through a girl's eyes and hilarity as Cory has to see his little girl grow up
Same hilarious dialogue
Same company making it.
Creator is involved as he signed the Pilot deal!
Since it's been so long chances are it's not as much about making more money as it is about pleasing the fans of the show.
No word that Rider Strong or Will Friedle will be on the show. Boy Meets World without Shawn and Eric would be the worst!
How many spin-offs have failed in our lifetime? Many.
New Disney is not the same as old Disney! We had Even Stevens, they have . . . um . . . stupid shows (sorry I'm not with the Disney times right now)
New issues. How do they teach lessons these days? I'm pretty sure they covered them all in BMW what could GMW teach us? Would they get too controversial?
Who do you get to play their child? I mean there aren't as many amazing child actors these days. I don't wanna see anyone less than the best for this role.
They have too much baggage. Boy Meets World was great because it was fresh original stories. Will this be just a copy-cat?
I don't know guys I just don't know. I don't want the spin-off to ruin everything I knew and loved. I want it to be quality because that's what Boy Meets World was! It was happy, fun, really funny humour and I just don't know if they can do that again. What do you think!?
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