Monday, November 7, 2011

Don't be Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Marzipan

My dear wonderful wayward terrible despicable lovely siblings,

What the heck?  We created this blog one year ago for a reason.  That reason?  To show our mother that we have brought our TV watching to a whole other level!  I feel as though we have not only disappointed her but all out there who watch television against their parents wishes.  We have a responsibility to show those of the world that through families Television watching can last forever.  Our little brother is subjected to the "No TV until after 7 rule" while we are aloud to watch anytime we want.  It is up to us to watch and write on this blog to show our mother that we can not be stopped no matter what!  With that I will move into the better, more optimistic portion of this post.

SHAWN SPENSTAR and GUS TT SHOWBIZ!  They are back.  Now there have been four episodes and let's face it, they've been fan-freakin-tastic!  From lie detector tests to drugged Gus to Vampires and superheroes this season has started out with all laughs.  But in the words of Evita and Brooke from American Idol "Where do we go from here?"  What more can these two bromancing hilarious characters do?  Before I get into that I want to pull some of my favorite quotes from the season thus far.

Fanshawe: Where are you getting your accents from?
Shawn: I don't know, the usual places, I guess. Peter Pan. Geico gecko. Phineas and Ferb's granddad.
Fanshawe: Is there any of them that don't come from animated characters?
Shawn: Not really. Does Russell Brand count?

Chief Vick: Detective Lassiter, why are you wearing sunglasses at an autopsy?
Lassiter: I—
Shawn: Chief, if I may. Lassie spoke to us all about a week ago about wearing sunglasses to all autopsies moving forward to show respect for the dead. I simply forgot. And Gus refused because he has no value for human life.

Lassiter: Please tell me why they're at my crime scene.
Shawn: Lassie, it's not her fault. She told me not to follow her and I thought she told me not to be pregnant with swine.

Shawn: Gus. No blood. Puncture wounds.
Gus: Abnormally pale. What? Do it! Do it! Or better yet, let me do it. I'll do it!
Shawn: Settle down. You're not gonna do it. I wish I had a bigger audience.

Gus: Woody, in your professional opinion, is it possible that this person was the victim of a vampire attack?
Juliet: Don't dignify that with a response.
Woody: I wasn't planning on it.
Shawn: Is it possible?
Woody: Most likely, yes.
Juliet: Woody!
Woody: It's a given, really.

Gus: Charlatan!
Bartender (Corey Feldman): Look who's talking. Count Chocula over here. Please.
Gus: Charlatan? You must be out of your damn mind!
Shawn: What did I tell you? No one remembers Blacula except for us and Quentin Tarantino.

Gus: What we're looking at is someone capable of vamp speed. Or present-space quantum leap.
Shawn: Blacula gives a shout-out to Bakula.

Juliet: You have to admit, he's done a better job than we have of slowing down the Caminos, and he's just one guy.
Shawn: I'm just one guy. And I've solved more crimes than I can count. Because I've solved a lot of crimes. Not just because I can't count very high.

Shawn: The Catch is an impenetrable wall, Gus. And he will smack the mess out of you with this mitt.
Gus: Please.

Ok So that pretty much catches us up on all of the Psych great quotes but really I mean we need to get on the ball with this Pych-ness!  So what's coming up?  Two words: Captain Kirk!  Aka Wiliam freaking Shatner!  That's right.  Shatner is picked to play Juliet's dad in an upcoming episode.  It's going to be epic!  Then there is Tim Curry in an upcoming Clue episode who will be reprising his role as Nigel St. Nigel.  I love this show!  Guys I really believe that this show will never get old.  They will always be coming up with new ideas!  I think they'll be done when they are done but I won't get tired of it!  I really worried this season wouldn't be up to par but it has been my favorite.  These people are awesome.

The key to this post is: Don't be a moldy sponge with hair on it people.  This blog was made for a reason.  That reason?  To get David and I to Comic-con.  I mean have we really lost site on the goal here?  And are we or are we not loyal Psych fans?

 Do we not fist bump in this family?  Did David and Chanae or did they not send me a picture on my phone of them almost holding hands in a roller-skating arena (featured on the left)?  Can I or can I not quote every great Shules moment out there from "Lego wants to sponsor me" to "I love my motorcycle" and beyond?

So let's get back on the ball.  Let's get our heads in the game and respect Zefron.  With that I only have one more thing to say: The extra "T" is for extra talent.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Emily, how you inspire me! I would like to speak for everyone in saying: Sorry we dropped the ball. I, for one, will try to be a more diligent blogger. P.S. I was actually laughing out loud when I was reading your psych quotes. Hilarious!
