Tuesday, May 17, 2011

NCIS: Season Finale

Well folks we are officially in Haitus. I'm a little depressed. I mean you look forward to the season finale and then it comes and you don't know what to do with your life. Get a job? Take up knitting? Aw well.

So Pyramid. I wouldn't call this the most intense episode ever but I will say it was fun. I thought the last episode was more eventful. This however had its moments. I think Ziva's going soft on me. I mean really hon? You walk into a room and don't prepare yourself for combat? The mossad assassin has left the building. Oh well made for some sweet tension. I think my favorite was when Tony was all freaking out and EJ was all "we're all worried" and then Tony was like "It's worse for some of us" and then EJ gives him that look of death! It was awesome! I was like "Yo EJ (cuz I'm black now) this brother is taken!" Other than that there wasn't a ton of Tiva action so we'll move on.

So the P2P killer is a deady. It took a lot of work and I don't even blame him for being a murderer. Ok well I do because he did murder but you know who I blame? Kort. It seems like this always leads to Kort. He killed Jasper Shepherd, he tried to blow up Dinozzo and now he trained a serial killer. I hate that man. I was hoping he'd die but I only got one eye out of it. You know who else I was hoping would die? EJ. I know it's terrible but I really hate her. I thought she'd be dead at the beginning. Then I thought she'd be dead wrapped in the seranwrap but no. Darn these writers and their morals.

The Secretary of the Navy evil? Wow I couldn't have ever seen that coming. Him being EJ's uncle was even bigger. Alas he is gone now and there is a knew boss. One that is in cahoots with Dinozzo. I won't lie when I first saw Dinozzo enter that room I thought he was taking a position in Rota Spain. But it's worse. He is supposed to track one agent who is selling secrets and from the look on his face it is someone very important. 1st guess, Ziva. So in "undercover" work Tony will have to get close to Ziva. Not. Good. Well good just not under the right circumstances. Ziva's got trust issues up the wazoo. This is not going to help. Well I guess we've got three months to mull it over. Other than that stupid CI-Ray is still working with Kort in something that has to do with Tel aviv. I'm worried.

From Emily Landeen I bid you people farewell on the NCIS front until September.

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